

User's Guide




©2013-2025  Vito Biliti  @vbiliti



It doesn't work- It's not picking up my voice.

You're doing it wrong!! You shouldn't be using your voice!!! Please check the tutorial and make an effort to understand how a Talkbox works before saying it doesn't.


My phone has two speakers or the sound comes out of the wrong speaker.

You can disable one speaker or the other by tapping the MENU button, then SETTINGS> DEVICE> AUDIO. Mute the necessary speaker and your settings will be automatically saved.


It doesn't work- It's not making any noise.

Make sure your phone isn't on silent! If on iPhone, check the mute switch. This is an extremely common oversight.


How do I change the sound?

The free version of Pocket Talkbox only comes with the classic tone. In the full version, tap the MENU button to find the various sound options, including tones, scales, vibrato and pitch bend.


Can I record with this?

YES! Your phone's voice recorder will work great on its own. Check out the Happy Birthday tutorial to see how quick and easy recording Pocket Talkbox can be. Of course, an external mic is ideal- and you might need to stand sideways, rather than directly in front of the microphone. Even recording it through a cell or laptop mic picks up pretty well.


What about using it live, with a microphone?

With a full band, probably not. Cell phone speakers just don't put out loud enough sound; unless you have an incredible microphone there's no chance it'd be heard over a drum kit in any venue. Actual talkboxes are usually played extrememly loud, to the point where they have been known to cause teeth damage!


Can I get this on my tablet?

Not anymore, sorry.  It is meant for smaller devices.


The sound is delayed by a split second. Why is this happening?

This is a problem with some older Android devices. Some users may experience latency up to 300 milliseconds (usually less) but most should find the app to be very responsive. Thankfully, this issue is mostly resolved in Android 9.0 and above.


Is there a risk that I could blow out my speaker?

It's never happened before and 5-note polyphony has been tested at max volume for up to two minutes on several different devices. Once I thought I blew the speaker of a test device but it turned out to be WET after a long practice session.  It was fine the next day.


For other questions, comments or suggestions, please contact the developer at vbtalkbox@gmail.com.